Tuesday, June 30, 2009









  金牛二相当于正规教育的发展过程,此时教师角色的示范作用显得特别重要。孩子到了这个年纪开始发展自主自觉的意识、渴望独立行动、会专心致力于 某件事情,并开始建立道德意识,而且这时期的孩子将学会如何将自己融入周遭庞大的社群结构中,尤其对某些次文化和国家意识特别认同。此外,这时期的学生也 开始能够将自己学到的东西再教导给别人。

  在这一周出生的人大部份会从事与理念或技术发展有关的工作。不论所从事的正、副业是什么,他们都喜欢与人分享相关的讯息。金牛二的人最喜欢的活 动是滔滔不绝地向别人阐述他们的理念及观察外界的心得感想,进而与人相互激荡讨论或用举例类比的方式引导别人了解。换句话说,他们之所以喜欢分析事理,并 用简明易懂的方式,将讯息讲解给别人听,其实,就是“好为人师”!

  因此,金牛二的人强烈需要以老师对学生的方式发展互动关系。并且直觉上认为教与学正是一体的两面,而这种关系是他们最向往的生活方式。通常,金 牛二在学校各方面都会表现得很好。尤其在一对一的教学或小团体里,如舞蹈、音乐、运动或视听艺术等活动中,不论是身为学生或教师,他们的表现都令人刮目相 看。对金牛二的人而言,做个好学生是日后成为好老师的第一步。金牛二教师非常了解自我学习、自我进修的重要性,所以他们不会将学生管得死死地;相反地,他 们很会鼓励学生自我教育、自我学习。

  金牛二很会鼓动、激励别人,而且由于他们谈论时绝少涉及肤浅的、怪力乱神的话题,所以他们很能影响旁人。另外部份原因是他们大多用心钻研于自己 的理想王国或观念想法中,所以总能说服别人相信他们的话。金牛二的人都是优秀的企业管理、经营者,他们不须用强迫或高压统治的方式来对待身边的人,就能将 家庭和事业经营得有声有色。不过,他们也经常订立一些规矩,不准他人越矩犯规。

  金牛二对身边亲友的生活状况充满浓厚兴趣,尤其对那些陌生的社会团体更是好奇。别人在什么地方、用什么方式工作、生活、玩耍、吃东西、投票、做 礼拜甚至是运动,无一不对金牛二造成强烈的吸引力。此外,他们极富同情心和正义感,对弱势或被迫害、被歧视者所遭受到的不公平待遇,他们尤其能感同身受。 因此就金牛二的人而言,与异族或异国通婚、恋爱或建立关系的情况,并不在少数。年纪较大的金牛二,很容易被比他们年纪小的人所吸引;同样的道理,年纪较轻 的金牛二,也常对比他们年长许多的人迷恋不已。

  一般来讲,金牛二的道德标准十分严苛,立场也很强硬。他们是非分明,而且勇于表达,绝不隐藏他们的立场。虽然旁人可能不会责怪他们太过刻板严 厉,但他们年轻时的确是表现得一副“正经八百”、“道貌岸然”的模样,那还真叫人有点受不了。像这种“早熟”、“老气横秋”的特质,若在他们长大后,不知 不觉在重要时刻又表现出来,便会使得那些误认他们是思想自由开放的人纳闷。金牛二的人伦理观念十分强烈,并坚持对公平公正的要求。他们不但相当忠诚,而且 对不公平、偏颇、歧视的态度特别敏感。他们会对种族歧视的态度做出各种直接、严厉、不妥协的反应。事实上,金牛二的人碰到生活任何不满的事,随时都可能“ 发飙”,因此,他们最好学习在不压抑自己的情况下,适当而健康地处理心烦意乱的情绪。

  金牛二的人天生好动,不论是运动、舞蹈、音乐或任何体能训练之类的活动,都很合乎他们的兴趣,并且不会给人粗俗或过度重视感官的印象。金牛二给 别人的第一印象非常强烈、鲜明,这倒不是因为他们的外型容貌突出,而是他们的气质、谈吐不俗。就算金牛二的人个子长得很矮小或只是中等身材,但初次见面 时,大家对他们的印象都会十分深刻。

  虽然他们可以成功地扮演上司、父母和教师的角色,但必须跟他们天天相处的伴侣、情人或朋友,却不见得能很轻松、愉快。这一型人爱批评、吹毛求疵 的性格,常使亲近他们的人受不了,或有被羞辱的感觉。他们认为每个人都应该认真、不屈不挠的想法,循规蹈距的人倒还能接受,但毕竟不是每个人都能认同。金 牛二的人若能放松心情过日子,等到他们年纪较大后,吹毛求疵的毛病将可大为改善,甚至完全消失。

  金牛二的人具有维纳斯式的美和浪漫爱情,个人魅力十足,因此拥有大批仰慕者。但他们并不以此为傲,因为他们不喜欢被社交圈所束缚。碰到这种情况 时,他们只好选择退缩到更加孤立的世界里。所以,金牛二当中发展较好的人,便会善加控制自己,别乱“放电波”,以免徒增无谓的困扰。

  私下能跟金牛二维持良好关系的人,就是懂得让他们独处,不会死缠烂打的人。这型的人喜欢他们的伴侣用支持的态度来表达爱意。在亲密关系中,金牛 二的人会相当激情感性,但在日常生活中,他们却又会坚持彼此要保持适当距离。金牛二的人希望他们的伴侣高贵又坚强,任何像是讨好或乞怜的行为只会使彼此关 系走上穷途末路。




Self Quarantine~~

I am not getting any sickness but still i have to lock myself from the outside world.

What on earth just happened to me??!

I have been moody for these few days. Lots of things just came to my mind. I wonder why, but the loneliness keep me thinking the impossibilities...

Imagine is the only thing i got. I spend my day dreaming, dreaming, and dreaming... I could even write a novel for that, and every thing i predicted does not happen in reality...

Am i not good enough? I couldn't figure it out but nothing went smoothly for everything i have done. Does tat mean everything i have done is a mistake? I cant give a proper answer for that... I did hate myself for looking as if i am a standard form 3 student, and this making me looks immature... Nothing is fair, as my luck was never a better one as the others does...

I promise myself i wont make the same mistake twice. Maybe i have been concern too much, until i don't have a room for myself. Then what should i do now??

Perhaps i should have keep myself from playing too much from now on. Final exam is coming and i have to work real hard for that. God bless me~~

Life is tough yet i still survive,
Love's a blade that slashes my heart,
Loneliness cloak within my soul...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Holiday? Hurray-day?

2 days of HOLIDAY just passed. I wonder wat i hav done at my home, other than resting, playing, chatting, n fooling all around. Is tat STUDY important to me? I guess not. Haha. I hate book since young, reading seems to be a difficult task for me. Then wat shall i do? I could RARELY get in the mood to study, but still, my will can be easily drag away by other attraction forces.

Kind of disapointed. Perhaps its a waste for me to be a human (maybe?). I always swear i will study hard when i took my report card but still.... This sat is gona to be "happy" day... XD


Today i spent my noon to neway with my frens. Its odd tat v used up 2 rooms while only 7 of us thr. LOL. One of our fren celebrate her early bday thr, guess wat? She doesnt know tat v r gona celebrate with her n she really shock with surprise! Anyway i end up voiceless throughout the day... XD

Monday, June 22, 2009


22 June 2009 (monday)


Its experiment day again. Sadly i m not really in the mood to get fully prepared for the experiment but still everything move smoothly as i got 2 reliable teammates (rain n ... ) .

2day turn out to be another boring day again. With 5 period of SS (equivalent to about 3 hours =.=) v keep crapping around in the class till skul ends. I m kinda hate of myself as i cant really spend those time to done my revision in the class (its not my fault to keep playing k? Its juz i cant control my will XD).

But still, i m really dissapointed as sum1 threw me AEROPLANE 2day. Haiz... Hope it wont happen again... ^.^


Friday, June 19, 2009

19 JUNE (end)

Finally long wait Orientation Week got its curtain call 2day. I got to admit, its pretty fun there!! Haha... Scream like hell at hall, a "senior vs junior" match took place!! Luckily all of us would team together, and hope tat our MAIN CHARACTER dun get angry... (all TC fault wakaka XD)

Anyway, this year juniors juz got much better as compared to us last year. There were sum really good dancer out there. Shock at 1st sight. Looking at their dancing performance make me remind of wat v did last year, n i dance like HELL last year, not a good thing to talk about... T.T


Half a year had passed n yet i m still not well prepare yet for my exam...

Wat shall i do now?

Which is my weakest subject?

How to memorize faster?


These thoughts keep appearing n i dun really noe how to get rid of it. I spends whole day thinking but do nothing. Hope i dun do dumb thing again =.=

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


A rather happy day. 2day was the time where our junior would actually find their senior to ask for signature. Guess wat? Looking bak then v had actually experienced the same thing as well. It had been 1 year, from where v were wearing our "ladybird" costume to move around the school. It is not tat embarassing actually but it makes me a kindergarden student after all... T_T

Anyway, that's how the past go. Now is junior's time to experience the same. Haha... 2day turns out to be a fun day as i would actually bringing my junior to get signature from the others. I knew how my junior felt: shy, inexperienced, unable to think what to do next... and so on. However, she did obeyed my way after all. She is not tat "guai lan" type which i bless to god not to get 1 (lucky!)... In addition, she is kinda CUTE as well... Hehe...

Its really fun 2day. To get many many sweets which i still manage to finish it in 1day (LOL?) n i did hope tat i do not hurt ur feeling... (its a muz to play with junior, sry if i overdo it ^^)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

~Orientation week~

Another BIG day coming yet i m not prepare anything. 1 year time passed. Memories flash bak to the time where i was a fool, being foolish around the block. Unlucky but luckily, i managed to find my foster at the end.

Sumhow i m not really think tat i will enjoy every moment of it 2moro, juz hoping tat everything would went smoothly 2moro...

2day seems to be mood-less as nothing had actually happen on me. Kind of boring day. Lying on chairs for 4 period makes me more tired throughout the day... :(

Monday, June 15, 2009

Results... >.<

Kind of sad 2day. Its really not a good experience to know tat i had fail another subject in my mid-term examination... Haiz...

Current results:

Chemistry: FAIL
Physics: FAIL
Maths: hardly PASS (yeah!!)
PA: ? (in a dangerous state hope PA2 can get high marks >.<)

A 2+1 score arent gona satisfy my requirement for my STPM standard... I m gona to be work real hard to get a better result o i will get blow away with footsteps on my tummy?? (sincerely from my parents XD)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nice song... Enjoy... ^.^

为什麽明明想靠近 却还在迟疑
努力的我保持镇定 努力开拓话题

深刻的烙在心里 最温柔的酷刑
连闭上眼睛 怎麽都是你

你可不可以爱我 可不可以想我

你可不可以爱我 可不可以看我
反正看或不看 我依然失魂落魄
成全不是美德 拒绝也不是一种罪过
你能给我 快乐还是寂寞

深刻的烙在心里 最温柔的酷刑
连闭上眼睛 怎麽都是你

你可不可以爱我 可不可以想我
别害怕我难过 告诉我你真实的感受

你可不可以爱我 可不可以看我
反正看或不看 我依然失魂落魄
成全不是美德 拒绝也不是一种罪过
你能给我 快乐还是寂寞


你可不可以爱我 可不可以想我
别害怕我难过 告诉我你真实的感受

你可不可以爱我 可不可以看我
成全不是美德 拒绝也不是一种罪过
你能给我 能给我什麽

Friday, June 12, 2009


I dun really get what o how m i trying to write here...
As long as i m still on9 n talking o doin wateva outside...
Tat means i m as fine as always...

There is always a chalenge in life...
V r juz a merely human to get across with...
To think about how many thousands n millions of ppl actually exist in this world...
But i only able to see myself in my mirror...

The world is changing...
At least, tat's my world which hav start moving now...
Get on ur sandals n start moving now...
To keep in pace with the earth's orbit...
Nvr care what might happen in front but keep moving...
There goes the new source of light shinning our way... ^^

(kinda weird with chinese tittle with english article??? O.o)